
Infinitius Callithrix Scribere Tela Totius Terrae

The infinite monkey theorem... ONLINE! Sort of...

I'm trying out a loophole in the bylaws of original writing. If let's say a higher form of organism, let's say a human, was to type a random yet grammatically correct phrase or sentence. Then a bucketload of people will make a coherent paragraph, even if they have no idea what the rest of the people wrote.

My idea is, for people to write a single sentence that is related to an obscure topic. Then compile all the sentences and let a program hack them into pieces and splice them back together into a "hopefully" coherent and intelligible novellete.

In fact, send them to my email address and I'll have a dryrun off them. I'll post the best runs offa my program. Let's see... ***Thinks deeply while AFK, munching on an egg sandwich***

Let's try this topic... something short like, the story of Draughtstring, the drunken one-eyed merry man of Robinhood. I'm looking forward to your sentence mail, my half dozen browsers of this blog.

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