
Completely Irrelevant

No, I'm not going to talk about the first day of school, and how infuriating it is to take 13 units to replace a three unit subject. I'm not going to even implicate the fact that my teacher lost my grade, and I had to take an examination all over again just to get a lower score. Nor will I talk about Adventure Quest consistently serving me as user number 5201 on a game that has a server capacity of 5200.

I'm not going to talk about my friends constantly ogling about Revenge of the Sith and how cool it is. (About half never saw the Original Trilogy, not the Special Edition mind you, I'm talking about the "Jabba the Hutt: Paraplegic" version...)

I'm not going to flame on about Beau not winning Idol. Lousy, country-music loving, backwater-living yahoos. Nor will I complain about the constant SMS.ac emails that fill up my inbox.

Nope, I'll just talk about one thing. ummm. Forget it.

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