Seks Edyukayshun and Employment
Ever wonder if seks edyukayshun was ever a rekwyrd kors, it wud be an aset wen tyme koms to send yor resyume?
Tink abawt it, an employer with strong disagriments abawt sekswal harasment wud definitly choos a person who did not get an A+ in seks-ed. Dat wud meen he/she was a natural born pervert(in general). A fayling grayd wud meen he/she is a represive seks-starvd ingrayt. So a person wid substandard grayds in seks-ed wud have a moderayt sykolojikal slayt. He/she wud have enuf sens not to haras de oder seks and not be ignorant enuf to start eksperimenting in the suplay kloset.
nothing mindblowing abawt dis post, just a thot.
Tink abawt it, an employer with strong disagriments abawt sekswal harasment wud definitly choos a person who did not get an A+ in seks-ed. Dat wud meen he/she was a natural born pervert(in general). A fayling grayd wud meen he/she is a represive seks-starvd ingrayt. So a person wid substandard grayds in seks-ed wud have a moderayt sykolojikal slayt. He/she wud have enuf sens not to haras de oder seks and not be ignorant enuf to start eksperimenting in the suplay kloset.
nothing mindblowing abawt dis post, just a thot.