
Time Extension Bill

I propose the extension of the 24 hour day into the 28 hour day. There seems to be not enough hours to complete the day. Working/Studying for 12 hours a day plus the mandatory 8 to 9 hours sleeping (for optimum performance) leaves little time to expand the human psyche, not to mention the cable time we are missing...

Of course, the "hour" would be a heck a lot shorter, but the illusion of more "hours" would be sufficient enough for the working class not to mind. Think about it. The old adage "time flies when yor having fun" would really come true.

Then there is the ultimate reason for the 28 hour day... more pay for the same work, at least for those being paid by the hour.

Pardon, I just want to talk. I just feel like I'm trapped in a swirling vortex of monotony. Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed... Up, work, home, TV, bed...

Over and over and over again... I figured when I was in Highschool that monotony was my friend. I mean I mastered the art of looking at a blank wall for the duration of the class with out getting bored. I can watch a documentary of snails on the Discovery channel. I even attended a funeral service of a complete stranger without batting an eye.

Now the work I like most... sitting in front of a computer playing/working now feels like protocol. I usually alleviate this by cooking and experimenting with new dishes, but cooking seems bland and well boring...

Maybe I'll take up skydiving or motorsports... I bet cheating death isn't boring... well until it become dangerous and casuality generating, then it becomes exciting.


John Hey!

Never go to John Hay for a day of excitement. Unless your kind of excitement entails peaceful contemplation with dead arcade machines.

Back in my day (hey look at me, I'm not pushing 25 and I have a heyday!), John hay was the place of excitement. There was a carnival full of rides when I was young. The arcade was full of people playing Daytona Racer. Heck, we used to line up for minigolf back then. The camping was really a test of nerve and survivalism... now you can drink the water from the tap.

Me and my friends went there as a group for probably the last time. They're graduating soon, and I'll be stuck in school for another year. Most of us were Baguio natives, so we have the ability to reminisce about the good old days over a round of minigolf (which btw costs 75 bucks a head... what a rip!). Golf usually relaxes but were a pretty competitive bunch. Shouting and taunting made a one hour game of minigolf last 3 hours longer...

Personally, I would have liked to go to PMA for a round of shooting... at least if they're still open.

One thing that I can give John Hay credit for is at least they didn't tear down the Pet Cemetary... I love that place. If you want a glimpse of excellent headstones, go there. It's hilarious and contemplative at the same time.

I personally like the old John Hay to return... especially the carnival. I don't mind the American soldiers. They used to give me candies and piggypack rides then...


Outlook grim. Try again later.

I finally have time to contemplate on the outlook of my future. It's pretty bleak. I haven't the slightest clue of what my job would be after I graduate (IF I graduate). Any will do as long as it doesn't involve massive typing. I'm a pretty slow writer. It actually takes days for me to type these logs. Actually, I started this blog about a year ago and the posts are just coming in now....


I really don't like encoding. Next to being in a call center, encoding is probably the job I loathe most. A lot of strangers make me type their stuff, seeing my family is the only group with foresight to buy stockloads of printer ink...

Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do in five years time... my interpersonal communication sucks, I stutter when I talk, I curse at every opurtune moment... those habits die hard, so I'm stuck to cubicle jobs...

Anybody need an animator? I do animations pretty well... mostly mundane and moronic films. I haven't figured out how to upload massive files to the web, so most of my viewers are my classmates, but I think they can voucher for me...

Oh, yeah, and early marriage is out of the question... my smalltalk is utterly horrible.... help me...

OOPS times up, I'm running out of money... got to end this now... Tatah!


Resolution List

If I had the power to do so, I'd make everybody celebrate the next New Year on December 17, so we can reclaim the backlog of fifteen days when the Gregorian Calendar was born...

Anyway, I haven't been posting for two reasons: I've been cooped up in my home for twoo weeks straight, and I'm all pasty white and my legs are atrophied for not walking enough. Secondly, dial-up internet is terribly slow diring "The Holidays".

I'm actually more tired now than when I started vacation... All the babysitting, the cooking, and the constant interruptions of carollers mooching our hard-earned loose change. For all the times I shot down the holiday spirit last year, I'm wondering why Morley didn't come in my sleep?

I just finished my Dissolution list, and I promise myself to follow it, short as it may be.

  • Get fat and add on 50 more pounds
  • Add 2 hours more TV a day bringing it to 6 hours
  • Get 5 on every subject this semester
  • Put peppers on every item on my menu to encourage hemorrhoids
  • Insult every person I'm introduced to
  • Poison the watersupply with my outputs
  • Sell crack to kids younger than 6 as lollipops
  • Place the toilet seat up after using a co-ed bathroom

That is my Dissolution list. I figured I break every resolution list I ever made, so why not do the opposite? I'm done for today, so enjoy the new year and I hope you can still count to twenty when you take off your shoes...