Some more winninger than others
We, the people of team Kennon...
Wait... I've got a better name..
We, the members of Infinititius Callithrix are not losers. We are non winners, but the people in this banquet are all winners. Some more winninger than others. Attending the 2005 ACM ICPC programming contests was a blast? No, it was as close to boredom and lethargy as humanly possible. Well we've got a balloon for all our efforts.
But that's not the only schwag we've schwagged out of the site. Aside from the obligatory T-shirt and bag (no pens though) we swiped the ff. items:
A earthenware pot
Free unearned certificates
God knows what else..
We could have swiped the computers given a suitable bag we can sneak in the comp area. And I got a case of trenchfoot while I was there. It would take weeks of footsoaking and airdrying to clearup the stench of biblical proportions that creeped into my socks.
I'd love to join again... but not since I hope I'll graduate soon. Good luck to the younger batches though. Be forewarned! There are some cheating lying hard-haired bastards that "cheat" their way to winning. Be an asshole and report precoders!
I'm totally pissed off now, (dang chinese!) I have no idea of a funny and pointless way to end this post. And the blisters on my foot are staring to burst. Bye now
Nothing to do but weight
Don't go into the light (Moth's eye view)
Stay the f*** away! (self papparazzi)
Eyes are hurting... must hurt more
DING! (Doorbell POV)
Umm, wait. I have a couple more hours before going to Ateneo to get my ass whooped (or otherwise), so I'm fooling around with a web cam.
It seems that among the blogs I've seen today, there is a reccurring theme. they all have the obligatory "Lyrics from a song", and for some perverted reason, they are the Muzak songs I go to Internet cafes to get away from. And I think this blog's been spammed! (Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, SPAM! wonderful SPAM!... )
Swan Song
I'm getting ready for the swan song of my College career (long, painful and uneventful as it may be). The programming romp called ICPC. A geek and nerd social party.
Cacophonous voises of all the nerds and geeks: BOOOO!!!!
Stereotypical cool cheerleader: Oh shut up, its your ONLY social event since the ComicCon!
Ehrm... back to the subject. The ICPC is a sort of trial by fire for some programmers where they try to beat the clock solving problems with no answers and no applicative bearing on anybody else's lives but the perrenially geeky.
Students from all over the country (and some, unfairly from other countries) try to mentally and psychologically whoop the stuffings out of other geeks and nerds to have the bragging rights to being the biggest badasses in the programming world.
Yes blood will be shed, various forms of bodily material shall spew the battleground as each theam lay waste on each other (hehe, lay waste...). Five hours of MAYHEM, MAYHEM, MAYHEM!
I don't know about you, but a certain part of my brain savors the brutal mental punishment I give myself during the past weeks. Brainey likey likey being puttey wuttey in the torture rack..ey.
Anyways, it would be a long time afterward before I join in any brainlympics after this contest, disregarding the graduation phase of my college career. Why consider this event my swan song? Take this to heart. Graduation is just a toga party. Booze and a lot of whatsits going on. Kind of like an afterparty party.
Smell you guys in a couple of days (I vow not to tangle with the Internet while I'm there...(PSYCHE!))
Realm of the Insane
Click on this if you want to live... Or just click it see democracy in action!
Make it stop!
Embolism isn't my favorite word to describe the status of my brain. Usually I use it to describe someone else's.
My cranial outgrowth usually kicks into "bleeding gray-matter" levels only on two occasions, when I drink 5 packets of Extra Joss with about a liter of Coke (oh, the memories... BTW, you won't explode when you eat PopRocks and drink Coke at the same time. You just keep burping and leak Coke and blood out your nose), and when I spend 12 hours in front of the computer for whatever reason.
When I think hard, which doesn't happen very often, I just shutdown the non-essential sectors of my brain: the "thinking about sex" sector which occupies a large block on most men, the "what's for dinner" sector which occupies a considerable block on my head and the "what is that smell" section.
But recently, I had to temporarily overwrite those sectors to make way for about 60 more migs and megs of data for the up'n'coming ACM competition in Ateneo. 10 or so hours of mindbending headwork has finally found a bloodvessel it can rupture, and my nose is constantly bleeding. I'm guessing that the chunky bits are part of my graymatter (or just some loogies, I don;t know).
Anyway, to relax my headmeat, I decided to search my name on google and found a city bearing my name: Arvin, Kern County, California...
All I can say is... what a dip**** town. It looks like those postcard towns you visit for a family road trip. It can't be all that bad though... I mean the City name is "Garden of the Sun".
Welcome to Arvin, CAGarden of the Sun

Change of name forms
Original Name: Ray Arvin (Chang) Rimorin
Requested Name Changes:
- Lou Diamond Phillips
- Benicio del Toro
- Guillermo del Toro
- River Phoenix
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Geraldo Riviera
- Cameron Crowe
- Lysander
Reason for name change:
They all sound cooler than me... Except for Geraldo, he's never cool
Some more winninger than others
We, the people of team Kennon...
Wait... I've got a better name..
We, the members of Infinititius Callithrix are not losers. We are non winners, but the people in this banquet are all winners. Some more winninger than others. Attending the 2005 ACM ICPC programming contests was a blast? No, it was as close to boredom and lethargy as humanly possible. Well we've got a balloon for all our efforts.
But that's not the only schwag we've schwagged out of the site. Aside from the obligatory T-shirt and bag (no pens though) we swiped the ff. items:
A earthenware pot
Free unearned certificates
God knows what else..
We could have swiped the computers given a suitable bag we can sneak in the comp area. And I got a case of trenchfoot while I was there. It would take weeks of footsoaking and airdrying to clearup the stench of biblical proportions that creeped into my socks.
I'd love to join again... but not since I hope I'll graduate soon. Good luck to the younger batches though. Be forewarned! There are some cheating lying hard-haired bastards that "cheat" their way to winning. Be an asshole and report precoders!
I'm totally pissed off now, (dang chinese!) I have no idea of a funny and pointless way to end this post. And the blisters on my foot are staring to burst. Bye now
Wait... I've got a better name..
We, the members of Infinititius Callithrix are not losers. We are non winners, but the people in this banquet are all winners. Some more winninger than others. Attending the 2005 ACM ICPC programming contests was a blast? No, it was as close to boredom and lethargy as humanly possible. Well we've got a balloon for all our efforts.
But that's not the only schwag we've schwagged out of the site. Aside from the obligatory T-shirt and bag (no pens though) we swiped the ff. items:
A earthenware pot
Free unearned certificates
God knows what else..
We could have swiped the computers given a suitable bag we can sneak in the comp area. And I got a case of trenchfoot while I was there. It would take weeks of footsoaking and airdrying to clearup the stench of biblical proportions that creeped into my socks.
I'd love to join again... but not since I hope I'll graduate soon. Good luck to the younger batches though. Be forewarned! There are some cheating lying hard-haired bastards that "cheat" their way to winning. Be an asshole and report precoders!
I'm totally pissed off now, (dang chinese!) I have no idea of a funny and pointless way to end this post. And the blisters on my foot are staring to burst. Bye now
Nothing to do but weight

Umm, wait. I have a couple more hours before going to Ateneo to get my ass whooped (or otherwise), so I'm fooling around with a web cam.
It seems that among the blogs I've seen today, there is a reccurring theme. they all have the obligatory "Lyrics from a song", and for some perverted reason, they are the Muzak songs I go to Internet cafes to get away from.
And I think this blog's been spammed! (Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, SPAM! wonderful SPAM!... )
Swan Song
I'm getting ready for the swan song of my College career (long, painful and uneventful as it may be). The programming romp called ICPC. A geek and nerd social party.
Cacophonous voises of all the nerds and geeks: BOOOO!!!!
Stereotypical cool cheerleader: Oh shut up, its your ONLY social event since the ComicCon!
Ehrm... back to the subject. The ICPC is a sort of trial by fire for some programmers where they try to beat the clock solving problems with no answers and no applicative bearing on anybody else's lives but the perrenially geeky.
Students from all over the country (and some, unfairly from other countries) try to mentally and psychologically whoop the stuffings out of other geeks and nerds to have the bragging rights to being the biggest badasses in the programming world.
Yes blood will be shed, various forms of bodily material shall spew the battleground as each theam lay waste on each other (hehe, lay waste...). Five hours of MAYHEM, MAYHEM, MAYHEM!
I don't know about you, but a certain part of my brain savors the brutal mental punishment I give myself during the past weeks. Brainey likey likey being puttey wuttey in the torture rack..ey.
Anyways, it would be a long time afterward before I join in any brainlympics after this contest, disregarding the graduation phase of my college career. Why consider this event my swan song? Take this to heart. Graduation is just a toga party. Booze and a lot of whatsits going on. Kind of like an afterparty party.
Smell you guys in a couple of days (I vow not to tangle with the Internet while I'm there...(PSYCHE!))
Realm of the Insane
Click on this if you want to live... Or just click it see democracy in action!
Make it stop!
Embolism isn't my favorite word to describe the status of my brain. Usually I use it to describe someone else's.
My cranial outgrowth usually kicks into "bleeding gray-matter" levels only on two occasions, when I drink 5 packets of Extra Joss with about a liter of Coke (oh, the memories... BTW, you won't explode when you eat PopRocks and drink Coke at the same time. You just keep burping and leak Coke and blood out your nose), and when I spend 12 hours in front of the computer for whatever reason.
When I think hard, which doesn't happen very often, I just shutdown the non-essential sectors of my brain: the "thinking about sex" sector which occupies a large block on most men, the "what's for dinner" sector which occupies a considerable block on my head and the "what is that smell" section.
But recently, I had to temporarily overwrite those sectors to make way for about 60 more migs and megs of data for the up'n'coming ACM competition in Ateneo. 10 or so hours of mindbending headwork has finally found a bloodvessel it can rupture, and my nose is constantly bleeding. I'm guessing that the chunky bits are part of my graymatter (or just some loogies, I don;t know).
Anyway, to relax my headmeat, I decided to search my name on google and found a city bearing my name: Arvin, Kern County, California...
All I can say is... what a dip**** town. It looks like those postcard towns you visit for a family road trip. It can't be all that bad though... I mean the City name is "Garden of the Sun".
Welcome to Arvin, CAGarden of the Sun

Change of name forms
Original Name: Ray Arvin (Chang) Rimorin
Requested Name Changes:
- Lou Diamond Phillips
- Benicio del Toro
- Guillermo del Toro
- River Phoenix
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Geraldo Riviera
- Cameron Crowe
- Lysander
Reason for name change:
They all sound cooler than me... Except for Geraldo, he's never cool
Swan Song
I'm getting ready for the swan song of my College career (long, painful and uneventful as it may be). The programming romp called ICPC. A geek and nerd social party.
Cacophonous voises of all the nerds and geeks: BOOOO!!!!
Stereotypical cool cheerleader: Oh shut up, its your ONLY social event since the ComicCon!
Ehrm... back to the subject. The ICPC is a sort of trial by fire for some programmers where they try to beat the clock solving problems with no answers and no applicative bearing on anybody else's lives but the perrenially geeky.
Students from all over the country (and some, unfairly from other countries) try to mentally and psychologically whoop the stuffings out of other geeks and nerds to have the bragging rights to being the biggest badasses in the programming world.
Yes blood will be shed, various forms of bodily material shall spew the battleground as each theam lay waste on each other (hehe, lay waste...). Five hours of MAYHEM, MAYHEM, MAYHEM!
I don't know about you, but a certain part of my brain savors the brutal mental punishment I give myself during the past weeks. Brainey likey likey being puttey wuttey in the torture rack..ey.
Anyways, it would be a long time afterward before I join in any brainlympics after this contest, disregarding the graduation phase of my college career. Why consider this event my swan song? Take this to heart. Graduation is just a toga party. Booze and a lot of whatsits going on. Kind of like an afterparty party.
Smell you guys in a couple of days (I vow not to tangle with the Internet while I'm there...(PSYCHE!))
Cacophonous voises of all the nerds and geeks: BOOOO!!!!
Stereotypical cool cheerleader: Oh shut up, its your ONLY social event since the ComicCon!
Ehrm... back to the subject. The ICPC is a sort of trial by fire for some programmers where they try to beat the clock solving problems with no answers and no applicative bearing on anybody else's lives but the perrenially geeky.
Students from all over the country (and some, unfairly from other countries) try to mentally and psychologically whoop the stuffings out of other geeks and nerds to have the bragging rights to being the biggest badasses in the programming world.
Yes blood will be shed, various forms of bodily material shall spew the battleground as each theam lay waste on each other (hehe, lay waste...). Five hours of MAYHEM, MAYHEM, MAYHEM!
I don't know about you, but a certain part of my brain savors the brutal mental punishment I give myself during the past weeks. Brainey likey likey being puttey wuttey in the torture rack..ey.
Anyways, it would be a long time afterward before I join in any brainlympics after this contest, disregarding the graduation phase of my college career. Why consider this event my swan song? Take this to heart. Graduation is just a toga party. Booze and a lot of whatsits going on. Kind of like an afterparty party.
Smell you guys in a couple of days (I vow not to tangle with the Internet while I'm there...(PSYCHE!))
Realm of the Insane
Click on this if you want to live... Or just click it see democracy in action!
Make it stop!
Embolism isn't my favorite word to describe the status of my brain. Usually I use it to describe someone else's.
My cranial outgrowth usually kicks into "bleeding gray-matter" levels only on two occasions, when I drink 5 packets of Extra Joss with about a liter of Coke (oh, the memories... BTW, you won't explode when you eat PopRocks and drink Coke at the same time. You just keep burping and leak Coke and blood out your nose), and when I spend 12 hours in front of the computer for whatever reason.
When I think hard, which doesn't happen very often, I just shutdown the non-essential sectors of my brain: the "thinking about sex" sector which occupies a large block on most men, the "what's for dinner" sector which occupies a considerable block on my head and the "what is that smell" section.
But recently, I had to temporarily overwrite those sectors to make way for about 60 more migs and megs of data for the up'n'coming ACM competition in Ateneo. 10 or so hours of mindbending headwork has finally found a bloodvessel it can rupture, and my nose is constantly bleeding. I'm guessing that the chunky bits are part of my graymatter (or just some loogies, I don;t know).
Anyway, to relax my headmeat, I decided to search my name on google and found a city bearing my name: Arvin, Kern County, California...
All I can say is... what a dip**** town. It looks like those postcard towns you visit for a family road trip. It can't be all that bad though... I mean the City name is "Garden of the Sun".
My cranial outgrowth usually kicks into "bleeding gray-matter" levels only on two occasions, when I drink 5 packets of Extra Joss with about a liter of Coke (oh, the memories... BTW, you won't explode when you eat PopRocks and drink Coke at the same time. You just keep burping and leak Coke and blood out your nose), and when I spend 12 hours in front of the computer for whatever reason.
When I think hard, which doesn't happen very often, I just shutdown the non-essential sectors of my brain: the "thinking about sex" sector which occupies a large block on most men, the "what's for dinner" sector which occupies a considerable block on my head and the "what is that smell" section.
But recently, I had to temporarily overwrite those sectors to make way for about 60 more migs and megs of data for the up'n'coming ACM competition in Ateneo. 10 or so hours of mindbending headwork has finally found a bloodvessel it can rupture, and my nose is constantly bleeding. I'm guessing that the chunky bits are part of my graymatter (or just some loogies, I don;t know).
Anyway, to relax my headmeat, I decided to search my name on google and found a city bearing my name: Arvin, Kern County, California...
All I can say is... what a dip**** town. It looks like those postcard towns you visit for a family road trip. It can't be all that bad though... I mean the City name is "Garden of the Sun".
Welcome to Arvin, CA
Garden of the Sun
Change of name forms
Original Name: Ray Arvin (Chang) Rimorin
Requested Name Changes:
- Lou Diamond Phillips
- Benicio del Toro
- Guillermo del Toro
- River Phoenix
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Geraldo Riviera
- Cameron Crowe
- Lysander
Reason for name change:
They all sound cooler than me... Except for Geraldo, he's never cool
Change of name forms
Original Name: Ray Arvin (Chang) Rimorin
Requested Name Changes:
They all sound cooler than me... Except for Geraldo, he's never cool
Requested Name Changes:
- Lou Diamond Phillips
- Benicio del Toro
- Guillermo del Toro
- River Phoenix
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Geraldo Riviera
- Cameron Crowe
- Lysander
They all sound cooler than me... Except for Geraldo, he's never cool