
Takes a better man

Normally, I post here after purging all negative emotions by fragging the crap out of digital targets. But today, I write with a heavy burden on my shoulder.

I've shuffled my rear end through most of my college years, without thinking about quitting school to pursue work. I've taken most of my subjects twice and passed them by removals. I've set so low standards that all I ask for is to graduate. I didn't dream of being top draft pick at job fairs. I'm not into the fru-fru graduation celebrations. I just want a diploma.

But I assess this situation today in dark glasses. My stay in UP has effectively doubled since I can't pass calculus. Big deal, right? My family has a big deal with perfectionism, from cleaning to school. They passed college with flying colors, at least they say so. With their genes together, me and my siblings should be top class talent.

Not so, at least in my case. My brother is a writer, my sister a nurse. Come to think of it, they will probably have jobs before I do. Not that I'm pessimistic or anything, but I have too much self pride to be second banana to any of my family members. What am I good at? Cooking for one thing, but my kind of cooking won't exactly be "job sustaining" material.

I'm some sort of computer whiz, but I can't prove that since I can't pass Math, and every person I talk to demand that I have above par math skills...(Screw them, like clerical jobs require Advanced Calculus proficiency).

Frankly, I can't stand another two years in college. I'm old enough to be the teachers of most of my classmates, and it is psycologically draining to see that your rear is served to you by some young punk.

Yet I can't quit school. A. no one would hire a college drop-out no matter how good he/she is, B. I've gone too far into college to quit, C. My inner pride won't let me.

But I'm in danger of being dismissed. Dismissal = money wasted = additional money spending. And if you're here, I'd let you in on my parent's constant argument that "we don't have money". Yet they can afford buying a Home Entertainment center, a new wood cabinet at a moments whim. And if I'm dismissed, that would effectively make me what I hate most. A 22 year old bum living in his mom's house.

I could shoot myself dead, but since I have to repeat things twice to get it right, I'll probably miss at point blank range.


Infinitius Callithrix Scribere Tela Totius Terrae

The infinite monkey theorem... ONLINE! Sort of...

I'm trying out a loophole in the bylaws of original writing. If let's say a higher form of organism, let's say a human, was to type a random yet grammatically correct phrase or sentence. Then a bucketload of people will make a coherent paragraph, even if they have no idea what the rest of the people wrote.

My idea is, for people to write a single sentence that is related to an obscure topic. Then compile all the sentences and let a program hack them into pieces and splice them back together into a "hopefully" coherent and intelligible novellete.

In fact, send them to my email address and I'll have a dryrun off them. I'll post the best runs offa my program. Let's see... ***Thinks deeply while AFK, munching on an egg sandwich***

Let's try this topic... something short like, the story of Draughtstring, the drunken one-eyed merry man of Robinhood. I'm looking forward to your sentence mail, my half dozen browsers of this blog.


Where have all the fatguys gone...

Wow, close to a month without activity... what amazing, groundbreaking, awardwining performance have I whrought upon the world at that sizable time period...

Nothing, not unless you count the time spent watching the tube for the next gripping installment of Desperate Housewives.

I'm settling back to the routine (Up, school, home TV, bed....) Although I'm giving it a dash of modelling... a car. I'm in my third rut of all-night digital creations. A Porche 911, a Ferarri Modena 360, a Mitsubishi Pajero GLx... that ol' shindig.

I'm typing this with a freshly twisted wrist. (Like everybody gives a rass ass...)

What else... I'm gussing that I'm the only apathetic(and pathetic) soul in UPB... I don't really give a dang about the student... REPRESSION!!!

What in the name of Pete Sampras is student repression...

Hmmm.... ***types in www.thesaurus.reference.com while sipping on a glass of melonade***

AHA! ***shouts in inner voice that sounds like Eric Estrada***

REPRESSION: willpower, coolness, anxiety, force, forgetfullness
Synonyms: Fixation, obsession, mania, amnesia, supression, stoicism, dignity, jones, monkey

I'm certain that we(we used loosely) don't want to STOP STUDENT MONKEY! Heaven forbid, I and a good 10% of the student body would like a student monkey. But the choice of words elude me... isn't it supposed to be "Stop student restriction" or even better, "Stop student supression"?

And since I'm in a sugggestive mood,

"... people who want to demolish a structure should start by ignoring it."
-The Book of the Overweight Lama

I just thought that up...