
Percolerta the Master of Interestment

Check this blog out...


... seriously, try it with a picture from someone else's yearbook. I love the one about the afro guy. And the two flatmates. Let's just hope they don't use my picture... I'll mull about that one and try making my own analysis of my own picture (I love degrading myself verbally)...

Mentokk the Mindtaker

While surfing on the old boobtube, I came to wonder why montages in Pinoy soap operas take up an entire song. Does it really have to be three-to-five minutes long? Nobody I know zones out in memory or nostalgia for that long. The writers must have an awful case of mental block that they have to rely on cheezy, melodramatic, muzak quality pop songs sung by mediocre singers.

I've just recently watched Wowowee.

I give him four weeks, maybe less... Willy's track record in the eyes of the media board is awful, and well a mouth like his takes a while to seal with duct tape. I watched his show and saw him almost make a career-ending oneliner on TV. Four weeks, and you'll kiss those scantily clad dancers goodbye. I think Chowtime Na! has a nicely warmed seat for you...


Venting Frustration Version 1


Netiquette rules just broken. I don't know why I even try. The chances of me getting the staying power to last another year of schooling just evaporated like the heat from a long forgotten waffle.

My mathematics skills aren't exactly par four on a golfcourse. It's more of my handicap. I've been taking higher order mathematics and so far I'm stuck in a sand trap. This golf metaphor's not exactly doing well.

The point is, if I had the power, I'd eradicate mathematics. But I like math. Just not the fluffy Einstein-esque variety. If the Matrix Theory was as exciting and philoshophically profound as it's namesake movie...

To tell the story frankly, it's embarrasing taking a subject with students four years my minor, and not keeping up with them... On the oldness scale, that just increased my oldidity by a factor of five. I'm left behind and all my friends are graduating this semester. It's sad to be alone. There are certain watercooler humor that can't be said within limits of lowerclassmen.

I'm thinking about going to UCLA (Univ. of the Cordilleras, Loakan Annex). BSComputer Science has no math, so there's no wrath. But, then there is no free internet access, not like the luxuries I enjoy here in UPB.

I'm considering applying for a (ughhh) call center job... Anything to put money on the table so to speak. It's pretty embarrasing to leech money from the folks to put up another year of education. At least it's not a clerical job. I hate typing. I hate copying (stuff from a paper, I survived highschool by copying... PSYCHE!).

I'm reconsidering my fate as a programmer. I'm reconsidering my fate as a cubicle working middle-management yesman. I can too live without knowing much about calculus... at least I think so.

I've dropped so frequently, I can collect frequent flyer miles if dropping slips were plane tickets.


Prepaid Learning

Me and my friends thought and pondered about this while doing squat at a lecture on Distance learning.

If we had prepaid learning cards... so, let's say P100 worth would grant you 10 hours of learning per month, P500 would give you twenty plus 5 hours on off peak learning hours. If you buy a P1000 you get unlimited learning hours per month.

What if the learning server went down, just like PRO... do you get like twice the learning rate? What if you earn learning credits? If you buy say 100 learning hours you get a discount on each succeeding hour? Here's something else, what if they give a promo like this.

Collect all 20 unique commemorative designs. Limited time only

What if they got like a picture of different people or topics on the front? I bet the Nobel Prize for Physics pinup collection would go pretty well. (Yech! Einstein in speedo!)

I wonder if you could pay tag-pipiso and get like a minute of learning? Here's another thing to consider... does the load expire after a few days?

On a totally unrelated note: Persistence pays off. After months in the Gmail queue, I finally got one. Although the glamour wore off when everybody in the block got an invite before I did...


Brotherly Props, Bloggerly Props

So that's where it was. I finally found my brother's blog. Took me a while, but google helps me at last.

Check my bro's blog if you plan to absorb copious sociological hoopla. Personally I look at things in layman terms. Besides, I like to simplify my words when I write. People complain that I talk too quickly and in profound terminologies. Enough about me. Here's his site.

It takes a while to load, and I'm in a broadband connection at school.

Blogdrive... I don't know. Having props with Google, Blogger is kind of on the up-and-up. Hmmm, Having two blogs isn't all that difficult. And if I'm incredibly lazy, I'll just copy-paste my blogs to and fro...



I was just surfing the web and I found this one. And it offers a VALID and SELECTABLE option of
  • "I am a: ( )man ( )woman"
  • "I like to meet: ( )men ( )women"

I wonder why...

Interested? Heres a transcript from their site:

HurryDate speed dating parties let you meet people face-to-face to see if there is chemistry!

Each party is held at fun, cool bars and is organized so you'll meet oodles of people on a string of real live mini-dates. When you check-in, your HurryDate hosts will give you a SCOREcard and ID number that HurryDaters will use to identify you, and you'll take a seat at one of many tables-for-two.

When it's time to begin, you'll talk to the person across from you until your host blows the whistle to indicate your date is over (no matter how cute they are!) that's your signal that it's time to move on to the next HurryDater for another whirlwind conversation. And on it goes! Get the picture?

After each date, you'll ever-so-discreetly circle a "yes" or "no" next to each person's ID number on your SCOREcard to indicate if you want to be in touch. At the end of the night, you'll take your SCOREcard home to enter who you liked into our handy-dandy, super-secret online system. We'll then match you up with who is interested in you too! From there, it's up to you to get in touch through our secure email system to set up a real date!

Think you won't remember who was who after meeting all those people in one night? You thought right! Don't worry...everyone fills out a profile with a photo to help refresh your memory on those you matched with.

I don't know, it's kind of unfair considering the time constraints. You meet an unbelivably boring person and a mere twenty seconds is long enough (what if the host wants five minutes?) At least the thing you only get to remember their ID number.

You meet an interesting person and the host gives you five minutes... It usually takes uhhh five minutes to kick a conversation into high gear. Hope you remember more than their ID number.

And the concepts of scorecards... usually scorecards are reserved for pantywaisted pooldivers in Speedo. Though I wouldn't mind flashing a perfect ten to a supermodel. Hey, it could happen... you know, long days on the road with nobody to talk to but male models who talk about their Adonisian abs and hairless backs.

All in all, it feels like American Idol, without the Schizophrenic wannabe jumpstarts singing awful renditions of Barry Manilow... at least I think it is...

I think it's time we Filipinos steal... I mean adopt a new facet of Americana and develop our own Hurrydate. The concept is nice enough. Lets say we celebrate it on... St Methodius the First day?



For the sake of people still celebrating Valentines in Hawaii, I delayed this post so they can continue trading saliva and other bodily secretions (sweat come to mind).

So, how was it, got some? Oh... then gave some? If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that... well, come to think of it, I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard that. A lot of people have gotten to grips to the fact that February 14 is a special day for reasons other than love.

February 14 usually means the day BEFORE payday. February 14 means you don't have money until payday... No money, no date, no gift certificate to show your undying love to whoever.

February 14 also falls under the most incomplete month of the year. If you're a guy, think about it very deeply. You don't want to spend the day for lovemaking by being incomplete now, wouldn't you...

Why not celebrate Valentines on June or July... It is the months associated with weddings. At least husbands would have two options: forget Valentines or forget their anniversary. Win-win situation I say.

Of course there is a major flaw in that theory... Which saint can be assosciated in June... St. Methodius I is pretty good. He's the saint for June 14... and apparently he's also the saint for Feb14! (Happy Methodious day?)

There are some gifts that keep on giving. Dentists will have a field day, lessons for people who give candy on Valentine. Why don't they give radishes on valentine? It's red AND good for you, except for the love-a-roma.


Lupercalia Approaches

Amazing how 02-14 became a holiday for loving, when it started as a day of the bloddy death of St. Valentine, I don't know. But at least we're not celebrating it like the Romans did it. Lupercalia (February 15) was celebrated as the day of Lupercus, protector of sheep. Again, how a day for the wolf killer became loveapalooza escapes me. The Christian community probably took this pagan holiday and picked a saint's name from a box and christened it as so.

And here's another grizzly story, Valentine was living in an era where being Christian was heresy and being a priest was a one way ticket to hurtsville. Valentine was found out when he cured a guard's daughter and was hereby clubbed, drawn and beheaded. And so he unlived unhappily ever after... well, at least we got a holiday for his troubles...

I think we got St Valentines when he spilled blood on an unknown love letter and turned it pink. The recipient got the letter and urged everyone to do the same... not the bloodspilling part, just the gushy, mushy tradition of putting copious amounts of red in every letter sent on Valentines.

I wish people would send fruitcake on Valentines. Chocolates don't last very well, so you can't "return the love" the next year. If you got fruitcake, the love just keeps coming, and returning, until it gets moldy-green, then you can send it on St. Patrick's Day.

Economical,and touching and safe for the environment...



There are times when even dogged determination and optimism fail to dig you out of a hole. Sometimes, you just have to dig yourself deeper. Who knows what dirtpatch you'll find yourself in, but the sun will feel warmer, and the air will smell cleaner and fresher after the dark and dank ordeal of digging.

The sun shines brightest after the storm. We all fear the dark, but we will only see true light if we plunge into limbo.

The greatest success is walking out of failure. Failure is not a big bag on our shoulder, think of it as a walking stick to aid us in life's bivouac.

Do not be afraid to take offroad. The road less traveled sometimes give us serendipitous treats, that may never turn up in the highway. Redemption, salvation and realization do not have 50 foot billboards...

... I write this down now, since I may forget these when I grow older, and none wiser. Think of these as snapshots of "the big one that got away". Split second tidbits of knowledge I accumulated this week while doing nothing.