Just GRRrrreat!
Here's my point on PGMA being owned... I mean apologizing to the public. Nice moves. Except for one thing... Who's friggin bastard you talked to? Gwen Garci? Garcillano? Garcia? Garfield Catbox Inc?
Owning up as "the voice" is very astute Gloriachu (Goddammit, I chose you too!). Now I want (erhmm, we) want part two of that apology... In French. BTW, nice teleprompter reading skills.
As far as her credibility goes, let's say the Jerry Springer prime guests' confessional at the Vatican with the Pope has more credibility than her apology. No offense... Scratch that. With much offense, you were, are and will not be president material. Economically, militarily or even "casual dinner at the neighbor's house" wise.
Having said that, the other options suck more that the incumbent gnome. After witnessing the most pathetic attempt of the Lower Philippine Government at amateur "Night Court", I'm guessing the head haunchos have as much Presidential skills as Ah-nuld has on a Broadway Musical.
But being a rednecked guy raised infront of daytime television... I can't wait for the next season of "EDSA IV: This time, were taking somebody down shorter than us" or "EDSA: Snap, Crackle, Pop"