
Fowl for the Holidays

Sorry this post took a while, I was kinda pissed... It's hard to think with a hangover. Anyway, The start of "The Holidays" (Don't want to leave out those who celebrate Channukah or Kwaanza now, do we...) was Pasiklaban: the liberal drunkfest for those who want to watch almost-naked runners for Alpha Phi Omega. You didn't miss anything there since it's cold and all..

Anyway, I felt like posting somthing entirely different today, my recipie for our family's holiday chicken, hope you like it!
  • 1 kilo boneless chicken cut into bitesized strips
  • Cornstarch
  • 3 small carrots diced
  • 3 stalks celery diced
  • 1 cup of sitsaro or snow peas
  • 2 onions diced
  • 1 tbsp garlic chopped
  • 2 siling labuyo or any hot pepper chopped
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce2 tbsp Knorr seasoning (the original one)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Sugar, salt, soy sauce to taste

Coat the chicken with cornstarch (or potato flakes if you want it crispier). Fry the chicken in oil until GBD (golden brown, delicious).
Fry up the chili peppers in oil until black (or you choke on the hotness) then brown the garlic. Add the onion and vegetables and cook until tender-crisp. Add water, oyster sauce, Knorr and add condiments to taste. Mix in fried chicken and enjoy!


Work Compression

There's nothing like the feeling off accomplishing a year's worth of work in one day. It sucks. It shows you that you worked and slaved on a solution that was wrong to begin with. Futile attempts to make something entirely useless work. At least our project works now.

This is the bomb, a chat entity thjat talks like an idiot. AND he talks in Filipino... sort of... Just to humor me, visit our site if you want to test out our project (once I figure out how to put it up...)

New thought... now that FPJ's dead, ABS-CBN ought to make an FPJ marathon to humor the old-skool movie goers.

There's only one more day of school before I take a much earned vacation. I've been at school for an entire year sans long vacation (nope, no sem-break for me!). I'll probably sleep an extra 3 hours of sleep each day. Hmmm, that makes a total 12 hours of la-lal-land...

Then I'll probably freak out the following year knowing I didn't do anything productive during the vacation. And here's the punch, we start on January 3....

Happy Christmas vacation guys...


Blender's not just for smoothies anymore

I've discovered 3D animation and I'm hooked. The past week was spent in rendering stuff on my desk. An apple on a mirror, the hotel down the street, a cat carcass on the street, anything. There's just so much fun to be had immortalizing mundane objects in a computer.

I don't mind the terribly slow rendering time (5 minutes per render, and that's just static images...) but I do have 1024x768 wallpapers of my own design. I'll try to publish them on my site, after some tweaking. And if you are starting 3D modelling, use Blender3d before 3DStudio Max or Maya. Blender is easier to learn and it's small and best of all, since we are Filipinos, it's free to download.

I'm thinking, if FPJ went to coma, would he dream a Matrix bullet-time of himself shooting seven bullets from a six-shooter? HEY! That's not a bad idea, I'll try to animate that on christmas break...


Just passing gas...

NEWS FLASH: The killer storm Yoyong has arrived in the Philippines! Wait, it's gone now...
Greetings from the most ill-prepared country in SEAsia. A good 1000+ missing or dead people was taken by the supertyphoon. I say it's the fault of all woodchopping, fireburning and toothpick (hold, aren't toothpicks made from bamboo?) using people of our country.

Well, at least the treehuggers of the Philippines are rejoicing. WE TOLD YOU SO! You feel the guilt after the wrath... But what I'm really pissed about is that some people blame the NPA for the massive deforestation/flooding that happened nationwide. I bet they blame the NPA for everything.

Floods : The NPA are to blame since they step on the grounds along the hillsides, causing denuding of the natural grass cover of said mountains. (Hmmm, why not blame the golf courses)

Deforestation : The NPA are chopping down trees to build forts (You don't chop down the pillars of your house, why should they)

Farts in the senate : It's the NPA to blame...

Speaking of passing gas... Yoyong didn't do much damage compared to Winnie... Yoyong just had a lot of wind

BTW, let's all pray for all who died in the previous days of rain and flooding. And if you have any, give to charity some goods to help those who lost their homes rebuild their lives.


Digesting technology

Google TV? Yep, we definitely want to have a 24/7 watch on the most google-searched items in the Internet. Survivor, eat your heart out! Reality TV just got raunchier! SEX! FREE STUFF! ANIME! MANIA, MANIA, MANIA!

All they need now is the QWERTY remote with the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button... Actually, it's a nice idea. Now you can googlesearch streaming media. Your choice of TV...

On other news, blogging isn't journalism. Well, generally it isn't journalism, more like a signed opinion page in a tabloid. At least that's how I see it. if you want to see the uninformed bloggers of the world argue about blogging supplanting journalism, check this out, it's hilarous!


BTW, if your into Jeopardy, Ken Jennings the "Jeopardy Guy", finally accepted defeat to Nancy Zerg after winning 64 straight wins. Ken left with ... $2.5 M. Here's the punchline... Nancy ZERG wagered $1337 on Final Jeopardy...

Hmm... ZERG, $1337, beating the pants of the undefeated champion... she must be some super geek.

I personally can't wait to watch this (provided I can stream it on time... perfect job for googleTV) Maybe Nancy will transport little Nancylings and Nancylisks and decimate homebase...